News You Can Use
Stay up-to-date with what is happening at One Way Baptist Church by watching the news OR be encouraged and uplifted with our Word of the Week. Either way, it's news YOU can use!
Men’s, Women’s and Student Ministries Bible Study meets Wednesday, February 19 th at 6:30 p.m.
GPS Bible Study meets Thursday, February 20th at 10:00 a.m
February is Black History Month!
Our Theme:
“African Americans and Labor”
Feb 16th, 3rd Sunday Student Ministry - Black History or HBCU T-Shirts & Jeans
Feb 23rd, 4th Sunday Women's Ministry - Old Timers Dress-up
Each Ministry will give a 5 minute or less presentation
February 15th- OWBC Outreach at University Village/Assisted Living & Memory Care, 4701 Campus
Village Drive, Round Rock. Elder Jerry Richardson will bring the message. From 1000-1100. Also, the
OWBC Outreach will be passing out cupcakes in remembrance of Valentine’s Day.
February 16th, at 3:00 p.m. OWBC will travel to the Bold Springs Baptist Church in West, TX to
Celebrate the 1st Pastor Appreciation Service for Pastor and Sister Samuel L. Buhl, II. This trip was
originally scheduled for February 2 nd , but due to a flu outbreak, it was rescheduled to February 16 th . Pastor
asks the OWBC Church family to attend, the choir will sing.
Join us for the OWBC Taste of Soul Food Dinner on Sunday
February 23rd, immediately following the worship experience!
Location: BBWC
We’re celebrating with delicious home-cooked dishes! If you’d like to contribute, there’s a signup sheets
available for your favorite soul food creations. Let’s come together as a church family to enjoy great food,
fellowship, and fun. Don’t miss it! For questions or more information, contact Carlotta Bacon
or Michael Bacon.
Save the Dates for the following events in March:
March 9 th , at 1:30pm OWBC will travel to the 8th Street Baptist Church in Temple, TX for Pastor & Sister
M. T. Bennett’s 1 st Appreciation Celebration.
March 11-13, OWBC Spring Revival - Dr. Earl Grant Jr., Pastor Covenant Community Church, San
Antonio, TX will be our guest Pastor.
March 16 th , at 2:30pm OWBC will travel to Antioch Baptist Church in Luling, TX to celebrate Pastor &
Sister Clinton Daniels 1st Appreciation Celebration.
March 30 th , W.O.W “Called to Serve”. Our speaker is First Lady Ruthie Carter of Mt. Olive Baptist Church
Austin, TX. The colors for this event will be Shades of pink.
Save the Date April 27, 2025
OWBC please save the date as we come together to celebrate the Shepherd of this house, 4th Annual Pastors
The church calendar is updated weekly. Please go to the church website to view the latest updates.
All announcements must be submitted to the Administrative Office via email at
admin@onewaybaptistchurch.com by Noon on Wednesday.
How Can You Get Connected?
We are the Student Ministry at OWBC. We focus on teaching the word of God to our students
Christian Education
Christian Education
Teaching the Word, Experiencing the Power and Presence of God, and Equipping for Life
God’s Precious Senior
Men of Influence living to be faithful, stand to be available and humble to be teachable
Our mission and focus is Spiritual Unity, Spiritual Healing as well as the importance of continual Spiritual Restoration.
Vision Sound and Lights
Vision Sound and Lights
The Vision Sound and Light Ministry is the media department of One Way Baptist Church.
The greeter’s purpose is to glorify God by extending a cheerful and encouraging welcome to all church . . .
The Announcements Ministry plays a crucial role in keeping the congregation informed and engaged in the life of OWBC.
Information Technology Ministry (ITM)
Information Technology Ministry (ITM)
OWBC needs technology to be current and engaged with members and the community at large.
Beautification Ministry
Beautification Ministry
The Beautification Ministry enhances the OWBC appearances through decorating for special events and services, table . . .
We are the Outreach Ministry team on a mission to love God and love people by meeting them where they are and . . .
Buhl’s Eye Ministry
Buhl’s Eye Ministry
The Buhl’s Eye Ministry takes photos at Church events that are used to communicate OWBC Mission and Vision . . .
His Temple Health
His Temple Health
HTHM promotes physical personal health and well-being of all members and the community it serves aa . . .
Culinary Ministry
Culinary Ministry
HTHM promotes physical personal health and well-being of all members and the community it serves aa . . .
Ministers, Deacons And Servant Leaders Wives Ministry
MD&SL Ministry
The Beautiful Sisters of the MD&SL Wives Ministry have a heart for God and for God’s people.
Upcoming Events
Here's what's happening next at One Way BaptistGet in Touch

Sunday Worship Experiences
Sunday Bible Study (In Person Only)
8:00 AM
Morning Worship (In Person and Online)
9:00 AM
Monthly Ordinance Worship Service (In Person and Online)
9:00 AM every First Sunday
Weekday Bible Study
Weekly Bible Study (In Person Only)
Wednesday 6:30 PM
God's Precious Senior's Bible Study (In Person Only)
Thursday 10:00 AM at the Ministry Building
2107 Hairy Man Road
Round Rock, TX 78681
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM
Church Office closed on Fridays.
512-238-OWBC (6922)