
A Message from our Pastor

Click on the image below to listen to a welcome message from our Pastor.  We hope that you feel welcome and will join us for a spirit-filled worship experience.

Our Vision

One Way Baptist Church is a Holy Ghost filed church that is committed to God and to serving others by reaching upward, inward, and outward.  Jesus came to serve the world, and for the glory of God.  One Way exists to serve by releasing loving disciples who change our world one life at a time.

Our Mission

Our Mission is simple: We are here to Love God, to Love His People, and to show it in serving others.  As we make disciples that make disciples, we will hear from God and then act in faith.

Our Core Values


(Ephesians 4:3)

Love One Another

(I Peter 4:10)


(Romans 12:5)

Reaching Out

(Matthew 28:19)


We Believe...

The Church Must Emphasize Teaching

Exposition is one of the processes of communicating from the Bible the meaning of the text as the biblical author intended and then applying it to the audience in a relevant manner. This is critical because in our community we need to be taught not entertained (I Timothy 4:13; II Timothy 4:1-5).

The Church Cannot Depend on the Government

It is not the government that has the responsibility of taking care of God's family. The church is responsible for the church so that the secular world sees first hand the reality of the divine household at work (John 13:35; Acts 2:44-45; Philippians 4:19).

The Church Must Move Beyond Tradition

While it is true that we have a tremendous heritage as a people, it must not be forgotten it is equally true that we cannot become locked into traditions that are man-made and that are not biblical.  Two questions must be asked about all the activities of the church: Is it biblical and then is it effective? The Bible must sit in judgement over our heritage (Matthew 15:1-9; Colossians 2:8).

The Church Must Use the Spiritual Gifts of the Body

One man cannot do it all and should not try. God has so constructed the spiritual body like the human body so that every part must contribute so that the whole might function properly. Believers must be held accountable to serve the rest of the church family so the gifts of the body can be enhanced and leaders developed (Ephesians 4:7-17; I Corinthians 12:12-27; II Timothy 2:2).

The Church Must Disciple It's Members

It is not enough to have people's names on the church roll. They must be held accountable for learning and applying God's truth. This means that the church has to establish accountability mechanisms that are followed up with and by its members (Matthew 28:17-20).

The Church Must Address Sin

This must not be done only through the sermons, but also in the discipline procedures of the church so that the members see the seriousness of the Holy Spirit leading; beginning in the pulpit and moving into the pews (I Corinthians 5:11; II Thessalonians 3:6).

The Church Must Become a Community

The church is not first of all a geographical site where a building is located. It is first and foremost a fellowship of believers who, in response to their Lord, share themselves and their resources to address the needs of its members (Acts 4:32-37).

The Church Must Become Unified

We can ill afford to be divided over non-essential matters. While we cannot compromise biblical truth, if we can find a basis for the unity on the essentials of the faith, then we will have the unity which is necessary to oppose our adversary in the community for which we serve (John 17:12, 21; Ephesians 4:13).

OWBC has Moved from Program to Ministry

The plight of our African American community and families demands that we must move beyond Choir Musicals, Men's and Women's day and other programs that are not tied to ministry.

The Church Must Move from Mediocrity to Excellence

God ought not to receive the leftovers, but rather He ought to have the absolute best we can offer Him given the resources at our disposal. People need to know that when they serve God, they do so in keeping with His perfection (Malachi 1:6-10).

Our Leadership


Samuel L. Buhl, Sr.

Senior Pastor



Elder William Grantham


Rev. Dr. Robert Enchil


Elder Darren Belcher


Elder Jerry Richardson

Frequently Asked Questions

Get in Touch

Sunday Service

Sunday Bible Study (in person only) 8:00 AM

Morning Worship (in person and online)  9:00 AM

The Lord's Supper/Baptism (in person and online) 9:00 AM every First Sunday

Weekday Service

Wednesday Bible Study (in person) 6:30 PM

Thursday God's Precious Senior's Bible Study (in person Only) 10:00 AM, Ministry Building


Office Hours

Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM. Church Office closed on Fridays.


Phone 512-238-6922 (OWBC)

Email Admin@onewaybaptistchurch.com