
New Family Class

We can't wait to meet you and get to know you better! Here are some opportunities for us to introduce ourselves to YOU.
The New Family Member Class is a power packed class that welcomes new family members to the One Way Experience!  This class covers our Doctrine, Precepts & Purpose, and explores the pillars of our foundation. A review of each ministry within the One Way body is provided to allow new family members the opportunity to make an informed decision about where they want to serve.  Also, once per quarter, New Family Members are invited to a "Meet & Greet Brunch" where they are introduced to each Ministry Leader.
Next Family Class

One Way Kids

A safe and educational environment is provided for children to allow both the parent(s) and children to enjoy separate services in a manner more conducive to their level of spiritual needs.  While parents attend the adult services, their children will be well cared for and experience biblical growth in a developmental and fun manner.  

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Student Ministry

We are the Student Ministry at OWBC. We focus on teaching the word of God to our students. We believe in training a child up in God's Word and helping them to understand his love for them. Not only do we minister to the students of OWBC, but we also have a nursery that we are eager to utilize.

Ministry Leader: Sis. Nicole Demery

Spiritual Coordinator: Elder Richardson

Scripture Reference: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13) - NKJV

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Each student is loved and cared for during all worship experiences. We fellowship through Sunday Worship experiences, Wednesday night Bible Study, and different outings and fun activities geared to get our younger congregation actively involved and excited about what God has planned for their lives. Each week we are exploring more of God's word. Please join us. Please review our calendar for ways you can get involved and be a blessing to our ministry.


You have something to offer, and God has a purpose for your life. He has equipped you with Spiritual Gifts and Talents, to serve others and build His kingdom here on earth. We are about helping you discover your ministry so you can be absolutely overjoyed with the satisfaction that comes from serving exactly how and where God designed you to serve.

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Christian Education

How to Rightly Divide the Word of Truth


God’s Precious Senior

God’s Precious Seniors (GPS) are the senior members of the One Way Baptist Church. We are a dedicated seniors ministry team, a group of experienced and a committed group of Christians that fellowship once a week every Thursday; to learn and grow through the sharing of God’s Word! We honestly believe that God will keep us in perfect peace if we truly keep our minds on Him. As it is written in Isaiah 26:3, “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!“ (NLT)


Men's Ministry

Men of Influence living to be faithful, stand to be available and humble to be teachable


Women's Ministry

We are the Women's Ministry team. Our mission and focus is Spiritual Unity, Spiritual Healing as well as the importance of continual Spiritual Restoration. We believe in transformative renewal of our hearts and minds as we grow and evolve spiritually through the power of the Holy Spirit. All OWBC women are embraced as a part of our great ministry and mission to develop and empower one another in our individual walk with Christ.

We confidently trust in the Lord to take care of us. “They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the LORD”. Psalms 112:7 (NIV)


Ushers Ministry

Ushers help to ensure that our Worship Service Experiences are welcoming, comfortable, and runs smoothly for our members and visitors.


Music Ministry

The Music Ministry plays a pivotal role in OWBC worship experiences. We serve as a powerful tool for worship, spiritual growth, and community building. Through music, we express our love and adoration for God, connect with fellow believers, and create a sacred atmosphere conducive to spiritual worship experiences.


Safety Ministry

"God's Watchful Eye In Uncertain Times.” We are dedicated to creating a secure and welcoming environment for everyone who attends our worship experiences.


Vision Sound and Lights (VSL) Ministry

The Vision Sound and Light Ministry is the media department of One Way Baptist Church. Our mission is to enhance the worship experience and expand the Word of God beyond the church walls with the use of technology and media through various social media platforms.


Greeters Ministry

The greeter’s purpose is to glorify God by extending a cheerful and encouraging welcome to all church members and visiting guests.


Announcements Ministry

The Announcements Ministry plays a crucial role in keeping the congregation informed and engaged in the life of OWBC. Our Ministry is responsible for accurately and effectively communicating important announcements, upcoming events, and church-related information to the congregation during worship service experiences and other designated times.


Information Technology Ministry (ITM)

OWBC needs technology to be current and engaged with members and the community at large.

ITM works behind the scene to support OWBC programs with state-of-the-art technologies that allow for greater outreach, improves communication with members and enriches all the worship experiences.


Beautification Ministry

The Beautification Ministry enhances the OWBC appearances through decorating for special events and services, table dressing, linen preparation, altar floral designing and arranging, and planter and foliage maintenance and shopping.


Outreach Ministry

We are the Outreach Ministry team on a mission to love God and love people by meeting them where they are and encouraging them toward a lifelong joyous relationship with Christ. We Serve the Lord with a purpose to exemplify the values of compassion, love, and service through our faith by touching the lives of others.


Events Ministry

The Events Ministry is responsible for uniting the church through planning and coordinating special events such as Pastor’s Appreciation, Church Anniversary, Veterans Appreciation, Night of Thanks, and the Christmas Fellowship.


Buhl’s Eye Ministry (Photography)

The Buhl’s Eye Ministry takes photos at Church events that are used to communicate OWBC Mission and Vision via our website, worship environments, social media, print materials, and more. These may be photos of what happens in our Ministry activities, or they may be photos that capture special moments like baptism, family dedication, etc.


His Temple Health Ministry (HTHM)

HTHM promotes physical personal health and well-being of all members and the community it serves as part of the OWBC mission and vision.


Culinary Ministry

We are the Culinary Ministry, a group of individuals who love serving our God first, our Pastor/Congregation second, and our community.  We express our love and devotion through our passion for food and services to the church during its time of wants and needs.  We are happy to be part of this great journey of growth with the One Way Baptist Church and its continuous journey, We Love God and All who serve.


Ministers, Deacons and Servant Leaders Wives (MD&SL) Ministry

The Beautiful Sisters of the MD&SL Wives Ministry have a heart for God and for God’s people. We are a unified and appointed ministry that works with Pastor Buhl, the Ministers, Deacons, and Servant Leaders to support OWBC’s Mission and Vision. We also assist with baptisms and preparing the Lord’s Supper. We love our church and our church family and we are here to serve in excellence and to be great role models for others.   

Meetings are held on the Saturday that precedes the 1st Sunday of each Month.

Scripture References: Proverbs 31:10-31 and Psalms 51:10-12