Assessment Form (October 2018 – September 2019) Please complete and return this form to the Administrative Office before Wednesday, September 4, 2019 Ministry Name* Ministry Leader's Name* First Last Co-Ministry Leader (if applicable) First Last Ministry Leader's Email* Enter Email Confirm Email 1. Did you accomplish the goals your ministry established for the fiscal year?* Yes No O - How did your ministry accomplish Outreach?*W - What did your ministry do to promote Worship?*B - How did you achieve biblical and tangible results through your teaching sessions? Explain How.*C - Did your fellowship time generate the “oneness” we are seeking to accomplish as a Church body?*2. If any of your goals were not fulfilled, do you plan to re-establish these goals?* Yes No List the goals you plan to re-establish and include any new strategies to accomplish these goals.*3. Are there any resources that would be more helpful to your ministry if they were available to you? If so, please list them below.*NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ