Change Request Form Submit Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY The date the change request is submittedChange Requester's Name* First Last The name of the person submitting the change request.Change Requester's Email Address* email address of the change requesterTargeted Change Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Expected completion date of the change if approvedChange Type:*Bug FixText UpdatesImage(s) UpdatesContent Additions/DeletionsThe type of the requested changeWebsite Change Location:*HOMEABOUTMINISTRIESPRAYERSERMONSEVENTSOTHER (Describe)The tab when the requested change is located.Detailed Description of Change:*The detail description of the requested change.Supporting Documents: List and attach updated text, pictures, screenshots, etc.*A list of the change requested supporting documentsOther Pages/Sections Impacted by Change:*A list or description of other pages and/or section impacted by the requested change. Δ